Does a correct soccer prediction site really exist?
Soccer betting without tips could be suicidal and betting with tips could also result in losses but there is an opportunity to win bets with tips. If you can find a reliable tipster, you can beat bookies in the game of football betting. But how would you find a tipper when you’ve little knowledge on the process of betting.
Let’s understand the betting process and the odd breaking formula
The process
It starts with collecting information regarding tournaments. Contesting teams, days and time of matches and performance of players is considered before making odds. Every bet has a set of odds and the punters are asked to choose the best odd or the winning number. The bookies have an advantage that is they’re well informed in comparison to punters.

Just like you need comprehensive information for making odds, you need info for breaking the odds. Just like bookies consider team performance and other factors for betting, you need digging deeper to find right odd. Just like a bookie need having good knowledge and understanding on the game of soccer, tipsters also need having knowledge of rules of football.
Soccer betting a tug of war
Football betting has become a flourishing business for everyone but it is the betting syndicates that get lion’s share of the profit. A huge amount of soccer gambling goes to bookies. But you can also win bets with the help of a correct soccer prediction site. It is a tug of war with bookies at one end and tipsters on the other. Or you can take the rope in your hands and try beating the bookies in the game.

Match fixing
It is doubtful whether the bookies can fix matches but some newspaper reports claim that large betting syndicates try influencing results. Bookies want to win bets at any cost and they are ready to bribe players, coaches and managers and anyone who can fix matches. Some tipsters also take advantage of the misinformation about match fixing. They claim to have information about fixed matches and they offer tips for those matches at a premium.
How to find a reliable tipster?
Just like bookies need information on soccer matches for making odds and tipsters need info for breaking odds, you also need information on tipsters. There are many websites that offer tips but not all the sites are reliable. The best thing you can do is to rely on technical factors like winning percentage for determining reliability of tipsters.